We prepare journalists for the future. Interdisciplinary work opens up new perspectives and opportunities. With us, technologies such as artificial intelligence become not only understandable, but directly usable. At Germany’s most modern school of journalism, we work with the best talents to develop the journalism of tomorrow.

Our upskilling program teaches employees of Axel Springer and other interested companies how artificial intelligence can be integrated into their everyday work in a targeted and effective way. The Axel Springer Academy of Journalism & Technology drives innovation, leverages potential and improves processes – for a sustainable media world.

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Beim Workshop Bildgenerierung mit KI zeigte uns Stefanie, wie wir nicht nur neue Charaktere erschaffen, sondern sie auch laufen und sprechen lassen! Dazu komponierten wir in Echtzeit die passende KI-generierte Hintergrundmusik.

Als Highlight erstellten wir eine ganze Reportage mit KI-Animationen. Dagegen wirkt ChatGPT fast wie ein Relikt aus der WindowsXP-Ära 💽

Danke für diesen farbenfrohen Workshop, liebe Stefanie! 🌌

Goodbye Germany 🇹🇭

Quer durch die Bundesrepublik waren unsere Volos als BILD-Wahlreporter unterwegs, um Land und Leuten den Puls zu fühlen. Weil aber viele Deutsche gar nicht mehr in der Heimat leben, wurden @franziska_nce und @moritz_mllr auf einen kleinen Ausflug geschickt: nach Thailand 🌴

Gemeinsam mit BILD-Fotograf Peter Müller sind die beiden Team 37er einmal um den Globus gereist, um die rund 7.000 deutschen Rentner im (vermeintlichen) Alters-Paradies Pattaya zu fragen: Was wählt ihr eigentlich – und warum ❓

Das Ergebnis gibt‘s in Text und Bewegtbild bei @bild – und hier ein exklusives Behind-The-Scenes des kleinen ,,Betriebsausflugs‘‘ ✈️

Team 37 on the road! ✨🚗

Vom Ski-Gebiet zur Manga-Messe, über den Hamburger Kiez und bis an die Nordsee: Wir waren unterwegs – quer durch Deutschland, um mit den unterschiedlichsten Menschen zu sprechen.

Was bewegt das Land kurz vor der Schicksalswahl? 🗳️🇩🇪

Volontärin Elena nimmt euch mit auf ihre allererste Dienstreise 🎥


7.10. - No way back

The personal story of Alon Gat is at the centre of this multimedia live ticker chronicle, which reconstructs his dramatic experiences through an exclusive series of short video interviews. The videos are supplemented by news texts that categorise the events with today’s knowledge.

The content of the project was published on BILD.de, BZ.de, WELT.de and the social accounts exactly one year after the events at the time.

Rap, Business, Women

In our three-part podcast feature Rap, Business, Women, we take a closer look at the role of women in the German rap industry. We shed light on the challenges, but also the opportunities they face. You’ll hear from female rappers such as Kitty Kat, Shoki and Lady Bitch Ray, who enrich the genre with their voices. But we also hear the perspectives of male colleagues such as Monet 192, the rap crew 01099 and NNOC – because the business is complex and multi-layered.


The format “Heimspiel – Auf den Spuren unserer EM-Helden” was developed to mark the European Football Championship. It is a five-part video show and highlights five players from the German squad. The project is given an additional storytelling level by a specially developed augmented reality lens.

Reports of Resistance

The five-part video series shows journalists and activists who have been threatened and imprisoned for their commitment to justice. The team used AI to get better and faster results. The technology was used where it made sense in a journalistic context. 

Mind Stories

The vision behind Mind Stories is to provide a comprehensive insight into the complexity of mental health which at the moment is one of the most popular topics on social media. To deliver our content, we produced smart and informative video content supported by Snapchat’s AR lenses.

Berlin 2033

In the next ten years, Berlin will face significant challenges. However, many exciting developments are also on the horizon.
Will Berlin master these challenges, or will problems arise?
A team of journalists and tech talents from the FreeTech Academy dare to take a detailed look into the future of Berlins climate, art and fashion scene.

it's kosher habibi

We found that Jewish-Muslim friendships are not only possible, but that they exist in a wide variety of age groups and in a wide variety of forms. We met four pairs of friends and asked them what makes their friendship special and whether there is any truth to the prejudices against Jews and Muslims.

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